Thursday, August 10, 2006


Welcome to the Blog at, which is centered around the Podcast.

I might blog in-between shows, but the nature of this blog is not generally to find out what's going on in my life. What kind of fun is that?

Rather, the blog is intended to offer you a chance to respond to each of the shows. When I publish a new show, I will post some basic reflections, corrections, clarifications, etc. in the form of a new blog entry. Your comments in response to that entry can have something to do with the entry itself -- but the comments are really designed to respond to respective podcast show.

At least that's the theory so far. Capice? (New York Italian for "Yo, you understand?")


Tom Occhipinti


Bern said...

I think I need to listen to the earlier podcasts again to get the flow of your work. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...


Enoying the podcast a lot, especially the surprising level of idealism you express. Your students are lucky ducks.